Whilst creating this site, we realised that there are two main things which bond this Parish together … the first being dogs with the second being gardening !
Whether you have a passion for climbing roses, cucumbers, new potatoes or runner beans, gardening seems to have got a grip on everyone. So this section is for everyone who grows stuff to win, to eat, or simply to enjoy … this is your section !
Allotments Update
Cornworthy Allotments Update. Plotholders at Cornworthy Allotments are starting the eleventh growing season and we have full plot…Read More →
Slugs in Kitchen
Carol asks: I know you are all gardeners but can you help me get rid of the slugs…Read More →
My Parsnips are Forking
Roy asks:I have a small veg patch in my garden. All going well except my parsnips, they are…Read More →